Robert always likes to make our marina reservations as far in advance as possible. This strategy has served us well. However, he could not make a reservation for our stay on Block Island. It isn’t like he didn’t try. Sadly, all but one of the marinas that had facilities to accomodate Grand Fromage were full during our designated dates. The one marina that wasn’t full, Payne’s Dock, wouldn’t give us a firm reservation. Robert tried several times and was told each time, “call us on your way and we’ll see what we can do”. We were facing insecurity. What did this mean????
It was with some trepedation that we left Newport for Block Island. As per instructions, Robert called Payne’s Dock while we were under way. He was told, “bring her in and we’ll work it out.” Okie dokie. This wasn’t security, but it sounded like they’d take us.
What we found out upon arriving is that all boats are accomodated one way or another. These people are the “pack in the boats” experts. They have their methods and the methods work, as long as you are ameniable to being rafted to other boats. All of the boats rafted together made for a jolly, party atmosphere. You had instant friends. You had instant relaxation. Payne’s Dock was a hoot and a half.
After we were expertly tied up, Robert wanted to settle our bill and thus inquired the whereabouts of the office. The reply was “we don’t have no office, why would you want the office?” Robert said he wanted to pay and was told, “pay one of us when you leave, that’s good enough for us.”
Three sail boats rafted up behind us.
We unloaded one of our scooters for some sightseeing. What a beautiful island. We had a great time exploring. Here are some pictures of our Block Island adventures: